Sunday, May 30, 2010

Well, it is Sunday morning and I am getting ready to run to the grocery store. One of my BFFs, Amanda, is comming over again today to help me finish 7 quilts this weekend. It's one of the draw backs to being one of may BFFs. (like there is really just one!) We spent yesterday piecing backs, preparing backings and loading one quilt on "Big Momma". Big Momma is my long arm quilting machine that my DH bought me for Christmas last year. He is great.
My real life job is working in the office of a middle school. Every year I make a couple of quilts for graduating students who are special to me. I don't usually make this many, but we are giving it a try. I will be posting pictures soon.

1 comment:

  1. Great job my young apprentice. I see I have taught you well. But there is much to learn yet. ;)
